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Hi Hector,

It is your friend Stella from Amma’s ashram. The person you met because I twice told you I loved your voice. Do you remember it was in honour of Leah( my mother’s best friend ) who recommended practically on her death bed when I asked for her advice “ don’t hold the good things you have to say back, speak them” or something like that. Remember you then confided you had just arrived and sought my help.

I remember our interaction with happiness as our connection felt so truly deep. Also some sadness in one sense as losing that connection - or seeming to - was sad. You cycled away. I’ve never worked out how to speak to you again. The number I have does not work . I tried writing. Didn’t work.

I Don’t find this app easy but don’t take that as the norm lol . Can you reply or must I only hear what you are doing, very interesting as it is ? Does connection exist without words or contact. Yes. I often find I have a feeling to ring someone then and there , and as happened last week discover it was very important . For example my best friend - growing up- now lives back in Australia. I was busy but I got this feeling to call her. I rang saying I hardly had any time but for some reason I felt I needed to call . I asked if there was a reason. Yes indeed ….she had needed to put her darling, Rocky, with his extra digit paw , to sleep. His white blood cell count was improving when I had visited her before Christmas. This was sudden. She has no children and volunteers in wild life sanctuaries etc . She told me she knew I’d ring. We may go months without speaking. I had to silence the too busy voice “ I need to go the bank “ remembering I had formed an intention to listen to the soft voice. How glad I was.

Anyway seeing I don’t know if this is an appropriate way to message you, if I should leave my whats app number etc perhaps I’ll stop here. +61422940702

You must have my email of course . It is nicer to talk for me. Thank you for your blog. You will be happy to have it in years to come as your memory for detail may well be less clear as I find :)

Still the “present moments” stay lit !!!

Love Stella xx

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