Recovery - Letter from Hector
Hey all
That was a quick week. I’m exhausted still – it’s not yet long covid, but it’s dragging on a bit. Needless to say, it’s screwed with my productivity. So here’s another few links that I hope you find interesing. I certainly have this week.
Have a good one! Rest up.
One of the best days I ever spent in London was at the Stanley Kubrik exhibition at the Design Museum. How Kubrik has delivered The Shining, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clock Work Orange and Full Metal Jacket, will remain a mystery. At the exhibition, I thought Barry Lyndon looked inferior: I was wrong. It’s beautiful. We follow Barry, an Irish rogue, as he transforms himself into a member of the aristocracy.
It’s hard to excuse climate change deniers—especially those who do it from greed over ignorance. The Koch brothers (pronounced ‘coke’) have famously funded the deniers to make ends meet. In Koch Industries’ case, ends meet to churn $100bn+ annual revenues. Substantial for any company, especially one been kept private by the brothers David and Charles. An excellent business book; I’m shamelessly inspired (but concede that global warming is a thing).
Brian Chesky on Launching Airbnb
I don’t need to say how great Airbnb is, so I won’t. They were, however, very slowly successful - which is comforting. They managed to beat the dreadful Samwer brothers of Rocket Internet, who ultimately failed to copy Airbnb in Europe. An achievement in itself. (FD. I think Rocket Internet is totally cool). This founding story is so engaging. It’s worth a watch for anyone starting something.
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