Covid - Letter from Hector
Happy Easter all,
The big news is I have covid. Never have I ever needed to sleep so much. Last night, for example, I got my full 16-hours (this followed a day of napping). After I send you this very brief email, I might go back to bed, too.
Rather than write something long-form and insightful (I can’t), I thought I’d share some of the links I’ve been reading and watching while feeling low.
The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant
Nick Bostrom makes a compelling case for us living in a simulation. He also writes philosophical fables, of which this is one. Worth reading and reflecting on what we should do with old people…
Elon Musk on the Lex Fridman Podcast
This comment sums it up: Two AI’s discussing the nature of AI. We truly have reached the singularity.
The interview concludes with Elon reading a Carl Sagan passage. It’s beautiful.
John David Ebert talking about Oswald Spengler's Cycles of History
This put’s forward a fascinating case for us being at the end of our ‘civilisations’ life.
Have a great week, and keep wearing your masks.
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